RUTUS ALTER 71 Small Hammered Coin Test PEAKY FINDERS METAL DETECTING SHOP & RALLIES 3:45 6 years ago 947 Далее Скачать
Coinshooting with the Alter 71: Metal Detecting UK #156 Addictedtobleeps 22:34 5 years ago 6 646 Далее Скачать
Rutus Alter 71 - Wind and rain and hail... and a coin or two! tcDetects 5:51 6 years ago 90 Далее Скачать
Out on pasture with the Rutus Alter 71 with a coin spill. PLUS win a Rutus Atrex! tcDetects 8:46 3 years ago 318 Далее Скачать
Hammered Coin and lots More metal detecting U.K. with Rutus Alter Anglo Celtic Metal Detecting 13:16 5 years ago 923 Далее Скачать
Rutus Alter 71 winkles out a Gold ring & the Equinox 600 smashes the coins tcDetects 11:21 4 years ago 313 Далее Скачать